Y.E. Let´s Entrepreneur together

Let´s entrepreneur together! Laguna de Cameros, 25 mayo- 2 junio 2022.
The third international youth exchange of
Manfred on Tour, "Let´s entrepreneur together" will be a limitless one.
Just before summer begins we aim to bring the Erasmus + experience as
we have always wanted. Combining leisure and life-changing learning we
aim to squeeze the 7 days of this project to bring cultural sharing,
personal development, intense training and partnerhips to make motivated
people to become world-changers more ready to be it.
During one week 30 participants from Spain, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy and Portugal will gather in Laguna de Cameros, Spain around the topic of social entrepreneurship. First to "play" around the topic in a mock scenary, learning by doing valuable tools and second, to develop new real business plans to be presented to a jury in the last day. Teambuilding, creativity, inspiration, oratoric, finances, planning and more will be developed in this project. On top of that, as every exchange of ours, participants will have the opportunity to experience a more sustainable way of living, to reconnect with nature and heal their focus and inner soul. After all to succesfully entreprenur, to reach our objectives, clarity of mind and discipline are the golden rule.

Para expresar cualquier pregunta, duda o interés por participar en el proyecto.
Contactar a nuestro correo. staff@manfredontour.es