Conclusions from “Let’s entrepreneur together”

The last crisis we all have lived has taught us there is a lot we need to change if we are to live more sustainable, ethically and efficiently. Against the many challenges in front of us, ideas, projects and dreams led by young people is what we need more than ever. This is exactly what our third hosted youth exchange has aimed for. During one week 30 young participants from Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, North Macedonia, Portugal and Spain have been learning entrepreneurship thanks to non formal education. From the inital idea to the final presentation to the public, all participants have been able to strengthen their soft skilss while successfully creating 5 entrepreneurial prototypes.
This week was full of new experiences for me. Meeting new people from other countries and cultures has been really positive. I really enjoyed having the opportunity to talk, have fun and work with them.
The topic we worked on this week is very useful for me. Being introduced to the concept of investing in your own ideas served me as the push I needed to start thinking about building my own project. I'm very glad I took part on this project. Quique.
I had one of the most gratifying experiences when participating in the Erasmus+ YE Entrepreneurship organised by Mandfred on Tour. The skills that I learned helped me develop my leadership and business skills. I had one of the best experience and the organisers did an amazing job making us feel welcomed and inspired. Ned.
This experience was like no other. I felt like I was swimming through a cocktail of cultures, languages and personalities. The fun we had, all the laughts, the colourful conversations, the energy we created. Gergana